As already for the whole of the north-western coast between the Egadi islands and Palermo, also the base of the northern side of Erice is characterized by the presence of numerous caves and shelters already frequented since the Paleolithic age (such as San Francesco, Maltese and Polifemo Shelters). In particular, in recent excavations carried out […]
Trails of “Monte Cofano” Nature Reserve
These trails are of great interest and beauty and offer breathtaking views of the sea and of the steep mountain. In particular the tour of the promontory, between Cala Bukuto, the beach of Cornino on the western side and the Tower of the Tonnara (tuna trap) of Tono on the eastern side, is a route […]
Pilgrim’s House
Next to the shrine is the former “Pilgrim’s House and Franciscan monastery” with architectural elements from the 1500’s and, inside, a staircase dating back to 1601. Now used as the sanctuary’s museum, it contains works related to the cult of ‘Our Lady of Custonaci’, including a work from the workshop of  Antonello Crescenzio (tempera on […]
Scurati and the Mangiapane Cave
In the locality of Scurati, there is a small village dominated by the cliffs of Mount Cofano and surrounded by natural caves, some of which are used by shepherds and local farmers. The largest, the Mangiapane cave, has a tiny hamlet built inside it along a corridor paved with stones and pebbles. It is named […]
Cofano Mount Nature Reserve - Custonaci
It protects the suggestive promontory of Cofano Mount which, pointed like a little mount Cervino (Matterhorn), stands out over the sea between the Gulfs of Bonagia and Makari, hosting about 651 varieties which, in turn, belong to 83 vegetation species. Here the meadows of ampelodesma (a typical Mediterranean plant) and the palmetto scrubland still preserve, […]
Built in the late sixteenth century, the sanctuary is the town’s most representative monument, the site of an ancient cult and a pilgrimage destination. The façade with a portal of pointed arches and rose window and its neo-Gothic interior are manifestations of the latest refurbishment works which took place in the early twentieth century. Of […]
Scurati and the Mangiapane Cave
It was inhabited by humans since the Upper Paleolithic and it’s one of the most important caves in the territory of Trapani. Located in Scurati, at an altitude of approximately 60  meters above sea level, about 70 meters high and 50 meters deep, it houses a small and delightful rural village, inhabited until the early […]
Le numerose edicole sacre, in dialetto fiuredde in riferimento alla figura sacra che vi è contenuta, sono espressione di una spontanea religiosità popolare che si manifesta con l’usanza di accendere ceri e di ornare l’edicola con palme, fiori, drappi nella festività del Santo a cui è dedicata e in altre ricorrenze religiose. We are not talking about jewels […]
Tonnara and Cofano tower
Situated in a natural setting of extraordinary beauty opposite the rock of the ‘Scialandro’ and close to ‘Cape of the Cross’, the former Cofano ‘tonnara’ already existed in 1404, when is was owned by the Bosco family. It was inhabited until the mid-twentieth century. As the main source of economic livelihood for the fishermen of […]
Celebration of Our Lady of Custonaci
There is a strong bond between the people in the area surrounding Erice and ‘Our Lady of Custonaci’,  her being patron to numerous other townships that once belonged to the municipality of Erice. The festivities in her honour take place the last week of August, beginning on Sunday and ending on Wednesday with a solemn […]