Of great naturalistic interest are the coastal marshes of Margi Milo, Margi Spanò and Capo Feto, Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and Areas for the Special Protection of Birds (ASPB).
These natural biotopes are crucial areas for the transit of migratory birds of considerable importance and for some habitats suitable for their survival.
These are depressions, separated from the sea by a sandy strip, which appear almost completely submerged in winter, while in summer the water drains away.
This phenomenon is also being studied for the presence of rare or endangered animal and plant species, such as Limonium ramosissimus siculum, Salicornia perennis and Asparagus acutifolius which form prickly bushes.
Among the birds that stop in the swamp are the curlew, the teal and, of considerable importance, the rare presence of the mallard.