Stagnone Islands Oriented Nature Reserve

Clear waters, uncontaminated nature, strips of land rich in history and archaeological remains, active salt pans, shallow waters, in some points also accessible on foot, characterize the Stagnone Islands Oriented Nature Reserve, one of the first to be established in Sicily (1984 ).

It protects the lagoon of the Stagnone, a stretch of water bordered by the open sea by the Isola Grande, with three islets in its interior, Mozia, Santa Maria and Schola.

At the edges of the canals of the salt pans there are halophytic plants, including suaeda maritima, glasswort, salsola soda, limonium, inula, limoniastrum.
Already in July, the Stagnone hosts autumn migrants: curlew and ibis; with the cold the ducks arrive, with the marsh harrier waiting for them, pochards, teals, coots, mallards and pintails. Superb, haughty herons, looking for food in the salt pans.